Source code for psdr.basis

""" Descriptions of various bases"""

__all__ = ['PolynomialTensorBasis', 

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyvander, polyder, polyroots
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legvander, legder, legroots 
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebvander, chebder, chebroots
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermvander, hermder, hermroots
from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagvander, lagder, lagroots

from itertools import product

class Basis(object):

# Indexing utility functions for total degree

#TODO: Should these be moved into PolynomialTensorBasis class? 

def _full_index_set(n, d):
	""" A helper function for index_set.
	n : int
		degree of polynomial
	d : int
		number of variables, dimension
	if d == 1:
		I = np.array([[n]])
		II = _full_index_set(n, d-1)
		m = II.shape[0]
		I = np.hstack((np.zeros((m, 1)), II))
		for i in range(1, n+1):
			II = _full_index_set(n-i, d-1)
			m = II.shape[0]
			T = np.hstack((i*np.ones((m, 1)), II))
			I = np.vstack((I, T))
	return I

def index_set(n, d):
	"""Enumerate multi-indices for a total degree of order `n` in `d` variables.
	n : int
		degree of polynomial
	d : int
		number of variables, dimension
	I : ndarray
		multi-indices ordered as columns
	I = np.zeros((1, d), dtype =
	for i in range(1, n+1):
		II = _full_index_set(i, d)
		I = np.vstack((I, II))
	return I[:,::-1].astype(int)

[docs]class PolynomialTensorBasis(Basis): r""" Generic tensor product basis of fixed total degree This class constructs a tensor product basis of dimension :math:`n` of fixed given degree :math:`p` given a basis for polynomials in one variable. Namely, this basis is composed of elements: .. math:: \psi_j(\mathbf x) := \prod_{i=1}^n \phi_{[\boldsymbol \alpha_j]_i}(x_i) \quad \sum_{i=1}^n [\boldsymbol \alpha_j]_i \le p; \quad \phi_i \in \mathcal{P}_{i}(\mathbb{R}) Parameters ---------- dim: int The input dimension of the space degree: int The total degree of polynomials polyvander: function Function providing the scalar Vandermonde matrix (i.e., numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyvander) polyder: function Function providing the derivatives of scalar polynomials (i.e., numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyder) """ def __init__(self, degree, X = None, dim = None): = int(degree) if X is not None: self.X = np.atleast_2d(X) self.dim = self.X.shape[1] self.set_scale(self.X) elif dim is not None: self.dim = int(dim) self.X = None self.indices = index_set(, self.dim).astype(int) self._build_Dmat() def __len__(self): return len(self.indices) def _build_Dmat(self): """ Constructs the (scalar) derivative matrix """ self.Dmat = np.zeros( (, I = np.eye( + 1) for j in range( + 1): self.Dmat[j,:] = self.polyder(I[:,j])
[docs] def set_scale(self, X): r""" Construct an affine transformation of the domain to improve the conditioning """ self._set_scale(np.array(X))
def _set_scale(self, X): r""" default scaling to [-1,1] """ self._lb = np.min(X, axis = 0) self._ub = np.max(X, axis = 0) def _scale(self, X): r""" Apply the scaling to the input coordinates """ try: return 2*(X-self._lb[None,:])/(self._ub[None,:] - self._lb[None,:]) - 1 except AttributeError: return X def _dscale(self): r""" returns the scaling associated with the scaling transform """ try: return (2./(self._ub - self._lb)) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def V(self, X = None): r""" Builds the Vandermonde matrix associated with this basis Given points :math:`\mathbf x_i \in \mathbb{R}^n`, this creates the Vandermonde matrix .. math:: [\mathbf{V}]_{i,j} = \phi_j(\mathbf x_i) where :math:`\phi_j` is a multivariate polynomial as defined in the class definition. Parameters ---------- X: array-like (M, n) Points at which to evaluate the basis at where :code:`X[i]` is one such point in :math:`\mathbf{R}^n`. Returns ------- V: np.array Vandermonde matrix """ if X is None and self.X is not None: X = self.X elif X is None: raise NotImplementedError X = X.reshape(-1, self.dim) X = self._scale(np.array(X)) M = X.shape[0] assert X.shape[1] == self.dim, "Expected %d dimensions, got %d" % (self.dim, X.shape[1]) V_coordinate = [self.vander(X[:,k], for k in range(self.dim)] V = np.ones((M, len(self.indices)), dtype = X.dtype) for j, alpha in enumerate(self.indices): for k in range(self.dim): V[:,j] *= V_coordinate[k][:,alpha[k]] return V
[docs] def VC(self, X, c): r""" Evaluate the product of the Vandermonde matrix and a vector This evaluates the product :math:`\mathbf{V}\mathbf{c}` where :math:`\mathbf{V}` is the Vandermonde matrix defined in :code:`V`. This is done without explicitly constructing the Vandermonde matrix to save memory. Parameters ---------- X: array-like (M,n) Points at which to evaluate the basis at where :code:`X[i]` is one such point in :math:`\mathbf{R}^n`. c: array-like The vector to take the inner product with. Returns ------- Vc: np.array (M,) Product of Vandermonde matrix and :math:`\mathbf c` """ X = X.reshape(-1, self.dim) X = self._scale(np.array(X)) M = X.shape[0] c = np.array(c) assert len(self.indices) == c.shape[0] if len(c.shape) == 2: oneD = False else: c = c.reshape(-1,1) oneD = True V_coordinate = [self.vander(X[:,k], for k in range(self.dim)] out = np.zeros((M, c.shape[1])) for j, alpha in enumerate(self.indices): # If we have a non-zero coefficient if np.max(np.abs(c[j,:])) > 0.: col = np.ones(M) for ell in range(self.dim): col *= V_coordinate[ell][:,alpha[ell]] for k in range(c.shape[1]): out[:,k] += c[j,k]*col if oneD: out = out.flatten() return out
[docs] def DV(self, X): r""" Column-wise derivative of the Vandermonde matrix Given points :math:`\mathbf x_i \in \mathbb{R}^n`, this creates the Vandermonde-like matrix whose entries correspond to the derivatives of each of basis elements; i.e., .. math:: [\mathbf{V}]_{i,j} = \left. \frac{\partial}{\partial x_k} \psi_j(\mathbf{x}) \right|_{\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{x}_i}. Parameters ---------- X: array-like (M, n) Points at which to evaluate the basis at where :code:`X[i]` is one such point in :math:`\mathbf{R}^n`. Returns ------- Vp: np.array (M, N, n) Derivative of Vandermonde matrix where :code:`Vp[i,j,:]` is the gradient of :code:`V[i,j]`. """ X = X.reshape(-1, self.dim) X = self._scale(np.array(X)) M = X.shape[0] V_coordinate = [self.vander(X[:,k], for k in range(self.dim)] N = len(self.indices) DV = np.ones((M, N, self.dim), dtype = X.dtype) try: dscale = self._dscale() except NotImplementedError: dscale = np.ones(X.shape[1]) for k in range(self.dim): for j, alpha in enumerate(self.indices): for q in range(self.dim): if q == k: DV[:,j,k] *=[q][:,0:-1], self.Dmat[alpha[q],:]) else: DV[:,j,k] *= V_coordinate[q][:,alpha[q]] # Correct for transform DV[:,:,k] *= dscale[k] return DV
[docs] def DDV(self, X): r""" Column-wise second derivative of the Vandermonde matrix Given points :math:`\mathbf x_i \in \mathbb{R}^n`, this creates the Vandermonde-like matrix whose entries correspond to the derivatives of each of basis elements; i.e., .. math:: [\mathbf{V}]_{i,j} = \left. \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_k\partial x_\ell} \psi_j(\mathbf{x}) \right|_{\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{x}_i}. Parameters ---------- X: array-like (M, n) Points at which to evaluate the basis at where :code:`X[i]` is one such point in :math:`\mathbf{R}^m`. Returns ------- Vpp: np.array (M, N, n, n) Second derivative of Vandermonde matrix where :code:`Vpp[i,j,:,:]` is the Hessian of :code:`V[i,j]`. """ X = X.reshape(-1, self.dim) X = self._scale(np.array(X)) M = X.shape[0] V_coordinate = [self.vander(X[:,k], for k in range(self.dim)] N = len(self.indices) DDV = np.ones((M, N, self.dim, self.dim), dtype = X.dtype) try: dscale = self._dscale() except NotImplementedError: dscale = np.ones(X.shape[1]) for k in range(self.dim): for ell in range(k, self.dim): for j, alpha in enumerate(self.indices): for q in range(self.dim): if q == k == ell: # We need the second derivative eq = np.zeros( eq[alpha[q]] = 1. der2 = self.polyder(eq, 2) DDV[:,j,k,ell] *= V_coordinate[q][:,0:len(der2)].dot(der2) elif q == k or q == ell: DDV[:,j,k,ell] *=[q][:,0:-1], self.Dmat[alpha[q],:]) else: DDV[:,j,k,ell] *= V_coordinate[q][:,alpha[q]] # Correct for transform DDV[:,:,k, ell] *= dscale[k]*dscale[ell] DDV[:,:,ell, k] = DDV[:,:,k, ell] return DDV
def roots(self, coef): if self.dim > 1: raise NotImplementedError r = self.polyroots(coef) return r*(self._ub[0] - self._lb[0])/2.0 + (self._ub[0] + self._lb[0])/2.
[docs]class MonomialTensorBasis(PolynomialTensorBasis): """A tensor product basis of bounded total degree built from the monomials""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.vander = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyvander self.polyder = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyder self.polyroots = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyroots PolynomialTensorBasis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LegendreTensorBasis(PolynomialTensorBasis): """A tensor product basis of bounded total degree built from the Legendre polynomials """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.vander = legvander self.polyder = legder self.polyroots = legroots PolynomialTensorBasis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ChebyshevTensorBasis(PolynomialTensorBasis): """A tensor product basis of bounded total degree built from the Chebyshev polynomials """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.vander = chebvander self.polyder = chebder self.polyroots = chebroots PolynomialTensorBasis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LaguerreTensorBasis(PolynomialTensorBasis): """A tensor product basis of bounded total degree built from the Laguerre polynomials """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.vander = lagvander self.polyder = lagder self.polyroots = lagroots PolynomialTensorBasis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class HermiteTensorBasis(PolynomialTensorBasis): """A tensor product basis of bounded total degree built from the Hermite polynomials """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.vander = hermvander self.polyder = hermder self.polyroots = hermroots PolynomialTensorBasis.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _set_scale(self, X): self._mean = np.mean(X, axis = 0) self._std = np.std(X, axis = 0) def _scale(self, X): try: return (X - self._mean[None,:])/self._std[None,:]/np.sqrt(2) except AttributeError: return X def _dscale(self): try: return 1./self._std/np.sqrt(2) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError def roots(self, coef): if self.dim > 1: raise NotImplementedError r = hermroots(coef) return r*self._std[0]*np.sqrt(2) + self._mean[0]
class ArnoldiPolynomialBasis(Basis): r""" Construct a stable polynomial basis for arbitrary points using Vandermonde+Arnoldi """ def __init__(self, degree, X): self.X = np.copy(np.atleast_2d(X)) self.dim = self.X.shape[1] = int(degree) self.indices = index_set(, self.dim) self.Q, self.R = self.arnoldi() def __len__(self): return len(self.indices) def _update_vec(self, ids): # Determine which column to multiply by diff = self.indices - ids # Here we pick the most recent column that is one off j = np.max(np.argwhere( (np.sum(np.abs(diff), axis = 1) <= 1) & (np.min(diff, axis = 1) == -1))) i = int(np.argwhere(diff[j] == -1)) return i, j def arnoldi(self): r""" Apply the Arnoldi proceedure to build up columns of the Vandermonde matrix """ idx = self.indices M = self.X.shape[0] # Allocate memory for matrices Q = np.zeros((M, len(idx))) R = np.zeros((len(idx), len(idx))) # Generate columns of the Vandermonde matrix iteridx = enumerate(idx) # As the first column is the ones vector, we treat it as a special case next(iteridx) Q[:,0] = 1/np.sqrt(M) R[0,0] = np.sqrt(M) # Now work on the remaining columns for k, ids in iteridx: i, j = self._update_vec(ids) # Form new column q = self.X[:,i] * Q[:,j] for j in range(k): R[j,k] = Q[:,j].T @ q q -= R[j,k]*Q[:,j] R[k,k] = np.linalg.norm(q) Q[:,k] = q/R[k,k] return Q, R def arnoldi_X(self, X): r""" Generate a Vandermonde matrix corresponding to a different set of points """ W = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(self.indices)), dtype = X.dtype) iteridx = enumerate(self.indices) # As the first column is the ones vector, we treat it as a special case next(iteridx) W[:,0] = 1/self.R[0,0] # Now work on the remaining columns for k, ids in iteridx: i, j = self._update_vec(ids) # Form new column w = X[:,i] * W[:,j] for j in range(k): w -= self.R[j,k]*W[:,j] W[:,k] = w/self.R[k,k] return W def V(self, X = None): if X is None or np.array_equal(X, self.X): return self.Q else: return self.arnoldi_X(X) def DV(self, X = None): if X is None or np.array_equal(X, self.X): X = self.X V = self.Q else: V = self.arnoldi_X(X) M = X.shape[0] N = self.Q.shape[1] n = self.X.shape[1] DV = np.zeros((M, N, n), dtype = self.Q.dtype) for ell in range(n): index_iterator = enumerate(self.indices) next(index_iterator) for k, ids in index_iterator: i, j = self._update_vec(ids) # Q[:,k] = X[:,i] * Q[:,j] - sum_s Q[:,s] * R[s, k] if i == ell: DV[:,k,ell] = V[:,j] + X[:,i] * DV[:,j,ell] - DV[:,0:k,ell] @ self.R[0:k,k] else: DV[:,k,ell] = X[:,i] * DV[:,j,ell] - DV[:,0:k,ell] @ self.R[0:k,k] DV[:,k,ell] /= self.R[k,k] return DV def DDV(self, X = None): raise NotImplementedError