Source code for psdr.demos.beam

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from psdr import Function, BoxDomain

BEAM = {
	'F': 5e3,		# Force applied to tip of beam
	'L': 1.5,		# Length of beam
	'E': 216.62e9, 	# Young's Modulus
	'nu': 0.27,
	'G': 86.65e9,	# Yeild Stress

[docs]class NowackiBeam(Function): r""" The Nowacki Beam Problem In this example, we seek to design a beam with fixed cross-sectional breath and height with respect to two objectives subject to five constraints described in [FSK08]_. The two parameters for this model and their ranges are given below. ==================================== ======================== Variable Interpretation ==================================== ======================== :math:`b \in [0.005, 0.050]` breadth (m) :math:`h \in [0.020, 0.250]` height (m) ==================================== ======================== The following are the seven quantities of interest associated with this problem. ========================== ================================================= =============================================================== Function name Formula Role ========================== ================================================= =============================================================== cross-sectional area :math:`a = bh` objective: minimize bending stress :math:`\sigma = 6FL/(bh^2)` objective: minimize tip deflection :math:`\delta = FL^3/(3EI_Y) \quad I_Y = bh^3/12` constraint: :math:`\delta \le 0.005` bending stress :math:`\sigma_B = 6FL/(bh^2)` constraint: :math:`\sigma_B \le \sigma_Y` shear stress :math:`\tau = 3F/(2bh)` constraint: :math:`\tau \le \sigma_Y/2` height to breadth ratio :math:`\rho = h/b` constraint: :math:`\rho \le 10` tip force for buckling :math:`F_T = (4/L^2)\sqrt{G I_T E I_Z/(1-\nu)}` constraint: :math:`F_T \ge 2F` ========================== ================================================= =============================================================== where :math:`I_T = (b^3h+bh^3)/12` and :math:`I_Z = b^3h/12`. The constants that appear above are taken from those values for mild steel: =============== ======================================= Constant Value =============== ======================================= tip force :math:`F=5\times 10^3` N beam length :math:`L=1.5` m yield stress :math:`\sigma_Y = 240\times 10^6` Pa Young's modulus :math:`E=216.62\times 10^9` Pa Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu=0.27` shear modulus :math:`G=86.65\times 10^9` Pa =============== ======================================= This example originates in [Now80]_. References ---------- .. [FSK08] Engineering Design via Surrogate Modeling: A Practical Guide Aleander I. J. Forrester, Andras Sobester, and Andy J. Keane Wiley, 2008 .. [Now80] Modling of Design Decisions for CAD Horst Nowacki In: Computer Aided Design Modeling, J. Encarncao (editor) DOI:10.1007/BFb0040161 """ def __init__(self): domain = build_beam_domain() funs = [ beam_area, beam_bending, beam_tip_deflect, beam_bending_stress, beam_shear_stress, beam_area_ratio, beam_twist_buckling, ] grads = [ beam_area_grad, beam_bending_grad, beam_tip_deflect_grad, beam_bending_stress_grad, beam_shear_stress_grad, beam_area_ratio_grad, beam_twist_buckling_grad, ] Function.__init__(self, funs, domain, grads = grads, vectorized = True, kwargs = BEAM)
def build_beam_domain(): # Note the book has an invalid range for height "(20mm > b > 250 mm)" and breadth "(10 mm > b > 50mm)" # Here we follow the dimensions implied in the corresponding matlab code # b = x(1)*0.045 +0.005 # h = x(2)*0.23 + 0.02 # I assume these definitions are in meters domain = BoxDomain([5e-3, 0.02], [50e-3,0.25], names = ['breadth (m)', 'height (m)']) return domain def beam_area(X, **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) area = X[:,0]*X[:,1] if len(X_shape) == 1: area = area[0] return area def beam_area_grad(X, **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) grad = np.array([X[:,1], X[:,0]]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grad = grad[0] return grad def beam_bending(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], **kwargs): r""" Bending stress: """ X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] # From bending.m # SigmaB=(6*BeamProperties.F*BeamProperties.L)/(b*h^2); bending = 6*F*L/(b*h**2) if len(X_shape) == 1: bending = bending[0] return bending def beam_bending_grad(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] # From bending.m grad = np.array([-6*F*L/(b**2 * h**2), -2*6*F*L/(b * h**3)]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grad = grad[0] return grad def beam_tip_deflect(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], E = BEAM['E'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] Iy = b*h**3/12 delta = F*L**3/(3*E*Iy) if len(X_shape) == 1: delta = delta[0] return delta def beam_tip_deflect_grad(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], E = BEAM['E'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] grads = np.array([ -4*F*L**3/(E*b**2*h**3), -12*F*L**3/(E*b*h**4) ]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grads = grads[0] return grads def beam_bending_stress(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] sigma_B = 6*F*L/(b*h**2) if len(X_shape) == 1: sigma_B = sigma_B[0] return sigma_B def beam_bending_stress_grad(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] grads = np.array([ -6*F*L/(b**2*h**2), -12*F*L/(b*h**3), ]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grads = grads[0] return grads def beam_shear_stress(X, F = BEAM['F'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] sigma_Y = 3*F/(2*b*h) if len(X_shape) == 1: sigma_Y = sigma_Y[0] return sigma_Y def beam_shear_stress_grad(X, F = BEAM['F'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] grads = np.array([ -3*F/(2*b**2*h), -3*F/(2*b*h**2), ]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grads = grads[0] return grads def beam_area_ratio(X, **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] ratio = h/b if len(X_shape) == 1: ratio = ratio[0] return ratio def beam_area_ratio_grad(X, **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] grads = np.array([ -h/b**2, 1/b, ]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grads = grads[0] return grads def beam_twist_buckling(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], G = BEAM['G'], E = BEAM['E'], nu = BEAM['nu'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] I_T = (b**3*h+b*h**3)/12 I_Z = b**3*h/12 twist = (4/L**2)*np.sqrt(G*I_T*E*I_Z/(1-nu)) if len(X_shape) == 1: twist = twist[0] return twist def beam_twist_buckling_grad(X, F = BEAM['F'], L = BEAM['L'], G = BEAM['G'], E = BEAM['E'], nu = BEAM['nu'], **kwargs): X_shape = X.shape X = np.atleast_2d(X) b = X[:,0] h = X[:,1] grads = np.array([ 2*np.sqrt(3)*np.sqrt(E*G*b**3*h*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)/(1 - nu))*(1 - nu)*(E*G*b**3*h*(b**2*h/4 + h**3/12)/(2*(1 - nu)) + 3*E*G*b**2*h*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)/(2*(1 - nu)))/(3*E*G*L**2*b**3*h*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)), 2*np.sqrt(3)*np.sqrt(E*G*b**3*h*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)/(1 - nu))*(1 - nu)*(E*G*b**3*h*(b**3/12 + b*h**2/4)/(2*(1 - nu)) + E*G*b**3*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)/(2*(1 - nu)))/(3*E*G*L**2*b**3*h*(b**3*h/12 + b*h**3/12)) ]).T if len(X_shape) == 1: grads = grads[0] return grads