Source code for psdr.demos.borehole

import numpy as np

from psdr import BoxDomain, NormalDomain, Function, LogNormalDomain, UniformDomain, TensorProductDomain

__all__ = ['build_borehole_domain', 'build_borehole_uncertain_domain', 'borehole', 'borehole_grad', 'Borehole']

[docs]class Borehole(Function): r""" The borehole test function A function implementing the borehole test function [VLSE_borehole]_. This function has the form .. math:: f(r_w, r, T_u, H_u, T_l, H_l, L, K_w) = \frac{ 2\pi T_u (H_u - H_l)}{ \ln(r/r_w) \left( 1 + \frac{2 L T_u}{\ln(r/r_w) r_w^2 K_w} + \frac{T_u}{T_l} \right) } where the input variables have the domain ==================================== ======================== Variable Interpretation ==================================== ======================== :math:`r_w\in [0.05, 0.15]` radius of borehole (m) :math:`r \in [100, 50 \times 10^3]` radius of influence (m) :math:`T_u \in [63070,115600]` trasmissivity of upper aquifer (m^2/yr) :math:`H_u \in [ 990, 1110]` potentiometric head of upper aquifer (m) :math:`T_l \in [63.1, 116]` transmissivity of lower aquifer (m^2/yr) :math:`H_l \in [700, 820]` potentiometric head of lower aquifer (m) :math:`L \in [1120, 1680]` length of borehole (m) :math:`K_w \in [9855, 12045]` hydraulic conductivity of borehole (m/yr) ==================================== ======================== An alternative to this deterministic domain is an uncertain domain where :math:`r_w \sim \mathcal{N}(0.10, 0.0161812)` and :math:`\log r \sim \mathcal{N}(7.71, 1.0056)` and the remainder come from a uniform distribution on the domain previously specified. Parameters ---------- domain: ['deterministic', 'uncertain'] Which domain to use when constructing the function dask_client: dask.distributed.Client or None If specified, allows distributed computation with this function. References ---------- .. [VLSE_borehole] Virtual Library of Simulation Experiments, Borehole Function """ def __init__(self, domain = 'deterministic', dask_client = None): assert domain in ['deterministic', 'uncertain'] if domain == 'deterministic': domain = build_borehole_domain() else: domain = build_borehole_uncertain_domain() funs = [borehole] grads = [borehole_grad] Function.__init__(self, funs, domain, grads = grads, vectorized = True, dask_client = dask_client) def __str__(self): return "<Borehole Function>"
def build_borehole_domain(): r""" Constructs a deterministic domain associated with the borehole function Returns ------- dom: BoxDomain Domain associated with the borehole function """ # Parameters # r_w, r, T_u, H_u, T_l, H_l, L, K_w lb = np.array([0.05, 100, 63070, 990, 63.1, 700, 1120, 9855]) ub = np.array([0.15, 50e3, 115600, 1110, 116, 820, 1680, 12045]) return BoxDomain(lb, ub, names = ['r_w', 'r', 'T_u', 'H_u', 'T_l', 'H_l', 'L', 'K_w']) def build_borehole_uncertain_domain(): r""" Constructs an uncertain domain associated with the borehole function Returns ------- dom: TensorProductDomain Uncertain domain associated with the borehole function """ return TensorProductDomain([ NormalDomain(0.10, 0.0161812**2, names = 'r_w'), LogNormalDomain(7.71, 1.0056**2, names = 'r'), UniformDomain(63070, 115600, names = 'T_u'), UniformDomain(990, 1110, names = 'H_u'), UniformDomain(63.1, 116, names = 'T_l'), UniformDomain(700, 820, names = 'H_l'), UniformDomain(1120, 1680, names = 'L'), UniformDomain(9855, 12045, names = 'K_w') ]) def borehole(X): """ The borehole test function See description in :meth:`psdr.demos.Borehole` Parameters ---------- X: array-like (?, 8) Input in application units Return ------ y: np.ndarray (?,) Output of borehole function """ import numpy as np X = X.reshape(-1, 8) # Split the variables r_w = X[:,0] r = X[:,1] T_u = X[:,2] H_u = X[:,3] T_l = X[:,4] H_l = X[:,5] L = X[:,6] K_w = X[:,7] val = 2*np.pi*T_u*(H_u - H_l)/(np.log(r/r_w)*(1 + 2*L*T_u/(np.log(r/r_w)*r_w**2*K_w) + T_u/T_l)) return val def borehole_grad(X): """ The borehole test function gradient See description in :meth:`psdr.demos.Borehole` Parameters ---------- X: array-like (?, 8) Input in application units Return ------ y: np.ndarray (?,8) Gradient of borehole test function """ import numpy as np X = np.atleast_2d(np.array(X)) # Split the variables r_w = X[:,0] r = X[:,1] T_u = X[:,2] H_u = X[:,3] T_l = X[:,4] H_l = X[:,5] L = X[:,6] K_w = X[:,7] # Gradient computed analytically using Sympy grad = np.vstack([ -2*np.pi*K_w*T_l*T_u*r_w*(H_l - H_u)*(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u*(2*np.log(r/r_w) - 1) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)/((K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2*np.log(r/r_w)), 2*np.pi*K_w**2*T_l*T_u*r_w**4*(H_l - H_u)*(T_l + T_u)/(r*(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2), 2*np.pi*K_w*T_l*r_w**2*(H_l - H_u)*(-K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) - K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) - 2*L*T_l*T_u + T_u*(K_w*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l))/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2, 2*np.pi*K_w*T_l*T_u*r_w**2/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u), -2*np.pi*K_w**2*T_u**2*r_w**4*(H_l - H_u)*np.log(r/r_w)/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2, -2*np.pi*K_w*T_l*T_u*r_w**2/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u), 4*np.pi*K_w*T_l**2*T_u**2*r_w**2*(H_l - H_u)/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2, -4*np.pi*L*T_l**2*T_u**2*r_w**2*(H_l - H_u)/(K_w*T_l*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + K_w*T_u*r_w**2*np.log(r/r_w) + 2*L*T_l*T_u)**2, ]).T return grad