Source code for psdr.sample.seqmaximin

from __future__ import division, print_function

import itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from ..geometry import voronoi_vertex_sample, unique_points
from .initial import initial_sample

[docs]def seq_maximin_sample(domain, Xhat, Ls = None, Nsamp = int(1e3), X0 = None, slack = 0.9): r""" A multi-objective sequential maximin sampling Given an existing set of samples :math:`\lbrace \widehat{\mathbf{x}}_j\rbrace_{j=1}^M\subset \mathcal{D}` from the domain :math:`\mathcal{D} \subset \mathbb{R}^m`, this algorithm finds a point :math:`\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}` that approximately maximizes the distance of the new point to all other points in multiple distance metrics give by matrices :math:`\mathbf{L}_i \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}` .. math:: \max_{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}} \left\lbrace \min_{j=1,\ldots,M} \|\mathbf{L}_i (\mathbf{x} - \widehat{\mathbf{x}}_j)\|_2 \right\rbrace_{i} This algorithm uses :meth:`psdr.voronoi_vertex_sample` to generate local maximizers of this problem for each metric and then tries to greedily satisfy the distance requirements for each metric. A typical use case will have Ls that are of size (1,m) This greedy sequential approach for constructing a maximin design is the Coffee-House Designs of Muller [Mul01]_. However, the approach of Muller allows for a generic nonlinear solve for each sample point. Here though we restrict the domain to a polytope specified by linear inequalities so we can invoke :meth:`psdr.voronoi_vertex_sample` to solve each step. Parameters ---------- domain: Domain The domain from which we will be sampling Xhat: array-like (M, m) Previously existing samples from the domain Ls: list of array-like (?, m) matrices, optional The weight matrix (e.g., Lipschitz matrix) corresponding to each metric; defaults to the identity matrix Nsamp: int, optional (default 1000) Number of samples to use when finding Voronoi vertices slack: float [0,1], optional (default 0.1) Rather than taking the point that maximizes the product of the distances in each metric, we choose the point x with greatest unweighted Euclidean distance from those candidates that are at least slack times the score of the best. References ---------- .. [Mul01] Coffee-House Designs. Werner G. Muller in Optimimum Design 2000, A. Atkinson et al. eds., 2001 """ if Ls is None: Ls = [np.eye(len(domain))] # If we have no samples we pick a corner in the direction # of the dominant singular vector of the stacked L matrices if len(Xhat) == 0: Lall = np.vstack(Ls) _, s, VT = scipy.linalg.svd(Lall) # If several singular values are close, we randomly select a direction # from that subspace I = np.argwhere(np.isclose(s, s[0])).flatten() u = VT.T[:,I].dot(np.random.randn(len(I))) return domain.corner(u) Xhat = np.array(Xhat) Xhat = np.atleast_2d(Xhat) ############################################################################# # Otherwise, we proceed with identifiying Voronoi vertices associated with # each of the metrics (L's) provided. ############################################################################# vertices = [] distances = [] for k, L in enumerate(Ls): # Find initial samples well separated if X0 is None: X = initial_sample(domain, L, Nsamp = Nsamp//(len(Ls)+1)) else: X = np.copy(X0) # find the Voronoi vertices; we don't randomize as we are only interested # in the component that satisfies the constraint vert = voronoi_vertex_sample(domain, Xhat, X, L = L, randomize = False) # Remove duplicates in the L norm I = unique_points( vert = vert[I] # Compute the distances between points in this metric D = cdist(, D = np.min(D, axis = 1) # Order the vertices in decreasing distance I = np.argsort(-D) vert = vert[I] vertices.append(vert) distances.append(D[I]) ############################################################################# # Now we construct a number of candidate domains to sample from. # Many of these may be empty because the constraints are collectively infeasible ############################################################################# # When generating these domains, we limit the number of vertices we consider max_verts = max(2, int(np.floor(1e2**(1./len(Ls) )))) # A list of which vertices to consider at each step coords = [] for dist, vert in zip(distances, vertices): #if dist[0] == np.max([d[0] for d in distances]): # # If this coordinate has the largest distance, we only sample the largest one # coords.append([0]) #else: # Otherwise we sample the first few largest coords.append(np.arange(min(len(vert),max_verts))) # Generate a score associated with each # This score is the product to the distances in each metric idx = list(itertools.product(*coords)) dist_prod = [ sum([np.log10(dist[i]) for dist, i in zip(distances, idx_i)]) for idx_i in idx] # Order these in decreasing score I = np.argsort(-np.array(dist_prod)) idx = [idx[i] for i in I] Xcan = [] score_Ls = [] used_idx = [] for it in range(100): new_domain = False while len(idx) > 0: # Grab a combination of constraints to try idx_i = idx.pop(0) # These are the used indices; negative meaning no constraint applied found_idx = -1*np.ones(len(idx_i)) domain_samp = domain # Add the constraints on iteratively in decreasing distance for k in np.argsort([-dist[i] for i, dist in zip(idx_i, distances)]): L = Ls[k] vert = vertices[k][idx_i[k]] domain_test = domain_samp.add_constraints(A_eq = L, b_eq = ) if domain_test.is_empty: #print("empty after %d constraints" % k) break else: domain_samp = domain_test found_idx[k] = idx_i[k] #print('found_idx', found_idx) #if found_idx not in used_idx: if len(used_idx) == 0 or np.min([np.linalg.norm(found_idx - used_idx_i) for used_idx_i in used_idx]) > 0: used_idx.append(found_idx) new_domain = True break if not new_domain: break # Generate candidates X0 = initial_sample(domain_samp, np.eye(len(domain)), Nsamp = 100) Xcan_new = voronoi_vertex_sample(domain_samp, Xhat, X0) # Score samples: product of distances in each of the L metrics score_Ls_new = np.ones(Xcan_new.shape[0]) for L in Ls: D = cdist(, d = np.min(D, axis = 1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): score_Ls_new *= d # np.log10(d) score_Ls = np.hstack([score_Ls, score_Ls_new]) Xcan.append(Xcan_new) # If remaining candidates are too close, break # (and we've used all the constraints) #print("score", np.max(score_Ls_new), "best", np.max(score_Ls), "b_eq", domain_samp.b_eq, "idx_i", idx_i) active_constraints = np.sum(found_idx >=0) if np.max(score_Ls_new) < slack*np.max(score_Ls) and active_constraints == len(Ls): # This prevents us from generating candidates that will be removed #print("stopping") break #print("done with sampling") Xcan = np.vstack(Xcan) # Remove duplicates I = unique_points(Xcan) Xcan = Xcan[I] score_Ls = score_Ls[I] # Compute Euclidean distances D = cdist(Xcan, Xhat) score_I = np.min(D, axis = 1) # for i in np.argsort(-score_Ls): # print("%3d\t %g \t %g" % (i, score_Ls[i], score_I[i])) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(score_Ls, score_I, 'k.') # ax.set_xlabel('Ls score') # ax.set_ylabel('I score') # # Now select the one within 95% of optimum I = (score_Ls >= np.max(score_Ls)*slack) # Delete those not matching critera Xcan = Xcan[I] score_I = score_I[I] # pick the remaining point with highest Euclidean metric i = np.argmax(score_I) return Xcan[i]