Source code for psdr.demos.multif

""" Code for interfacing with MULTI-F:

This borrows code by Rick Fenrich 
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from psdr import Function
from ._multif_domains3d import buildDesignDomain, buildRandomDomain

[docs]class MULTIF(Function): r"""An interface to the MULTI-F multiphysics jet nozzle model test problem. The function describes a multiphysics model of a jet nozzle [FMAA18]_. The domain consists of 96 design parameters and 40 uncertain variables and the output returns the mass, thrust, and many different failure constraints. This uses a Docker image to encapsulate the dependencies for MULTI-F; to use this function, install Docker and pull the multif image .. code-block:: bash >> docker pull jeffreyhokanson/multif:v25 This function encodes multiple different fidelity levels: in order of increasing fidelity and approximate one-core cost ====== ============= ========= ========== ============= Level Physics Mesh Mechanics Runtime (sec) ====== ============= ========= ========== ============= 0 1d Non-ideal N/A linear 20 1 1d Non-ideal N/A nonlinear 205 2 2d Euler Coarse linear 82 3 2d Euler Medium linear 256 4 2d Euler Fine linear 713 5 3d Euler Coarse linear 1083 6 3d Euler Medium linear 3123 7 3d Euler Fine linear 13350 8 2d RANS Coarse linear 9 2d RANS Medium linear 10 2d RANS Fine linear 11 3d RANS Coarse linear 80690 12 3d RANS Medium linear 175888 13 3d RANS Fine linear 408512 ====== ============= ========= ========== ============= Note at the present time the 2d RANS levels are buggy and not recommended for use. Parameters ---------- truncate: float in [0,1]; default 1e-7 If non-zero, truncate the random domains by the specified probability. Truncation is necessary to provide a bounded domain for use with most sampling strategies. level: int in [0, 13]; default 0 What level of fidelity to run (see description above) su2_maxiter: int; default: 5000 Number of iterations used to solve for the fluid flow in SU2 workdir: str; default: None If defined, this specifies the location where temporary files are written while solving the problem keep_data: bool; default: False If True, do not delete the work files; i.e., use this to preserve the flow solution for later use verbose: bool; default: False If True, print the output of running MULTI-F to stdout dask_client: dask.distributed.Client or None If specified, allows distributed computation with this function. References ---------- .. [FMAA18] Reliability-Based Design Optimization of a Supersonic Nozzle Richard W. Fenrich, Victorien Menier, Philip Avery, and Juan J. Alonso, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics """ def __init__(self, truncate = 1e-7, level = 0, su2_maxiter = 5000, workdir = None, keep_data = False, verbose = False, dask_client = None): self.design_domain_app = buildDesignDomain(output = 'none', solver = 'CVXOPT') self.design_domain_norm = self.design_domain_app.normalized_domain() self.design_domain = self.design_domain_norm self.random_domain_app = buildRandomDomain(truncate = truncate) self.random_domain_norm = self.random_domain_app.normalized_domain() self.random_domain = self.random_domain_norm domain = self.design_domain_app * self.random_domain_app Function.__init__(self, multif, domain, vectorized = False, dask_client = dask_client) def __str__(self): return "<MULTI-F Function>"
def build_multif_domain(truncate = 1e-7, **kwargs): design_domain = buildDesignDomain(output = 'none', **kwargs) random_domain = buildRandomDomain(truncate = truncate, **kwargs) return design_domain * random_domain def build_multif_design_domain(output = 'none', **kwargs): return buildDesignDomain(output = output, **kwargs) def build_multif_random_domain(truncate = 1e-7): return buildRandomDomain(truncate = truncate, **kwargs) def multif(x, level = 0, version = 'v25', su2_maxiter = None, workdir = None, keep_data = False, verbose = False, cores = None): """ *NOTE*: prior to running, install Docker and then pull the image for multif: >> docker pull jeffreyhokanson/multif:v25 Parameters ---------- x: np.array(136) Input coordinates to MULTI-F in the application domain level: int Level of MULTIF to run, one of 0-13 inclusive su2_maxiter: None or int Maximum number of iterations to run only for levels 2-13; default = 5000 workdir: string or None If None, create a tempory file keep_data: bool If true, do not delete the directory containing intermediate results """ # If we use this inside the RedisPool, we need to load the modules # internal to this file import shutil, subprocess, os, tempfile, shlex, platform import numpy as np from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT if workdir is None: # Docker cannot access /var by default, so we move the temporary file to # /tmp on MacOS if platform.system() == 'Darwin': workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir = '/tmp') else: workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() assert keep_data == False, "In order to keep the run, specify a path for a directory" else: workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) os.makedirs(workdir) # Copy the configuration file dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) shutil.copyfile('%s/multif/general-3d.cfg.%s' % (dir_path, version,), workdir + '/general-3d.cfg') # If provided a maximum number of SU2 iterations, set that value if su2_maxiter is not None: with open(workdir + '/general-3d.cfg', 'a') as config: config.write("SU2_MAX_ITERATIONS=%d" % su2_maxiter) # Copy the input parameters np.savetxt(workdir + '/', x.reshape(-1,1), fmt = '%.15e') # Now call multif uid = os.getuid() # We specify the user ID so we can later delete the results by the local user call = 'docker run -t --rm --mount type=bind,source="%s",target="/workdir" --workdir /workdir --user %d' % (workdir, uid) call += ' jeffreyhokanson/multif:%s' % (version,) call += " -f general-3d.cfg -l %d " % (level,) if cores is not None: # This seems to work on Linux #raise NotImplementedError("Haven't figured out how to run docker in parallel") call += ' -c %d ' % (cores,) # In order to run from inside jupyter, we need to call using Popen # following args = shlex.split(call) with open(workdir + '/output.log', 'ab') as log: p = Popen(args, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT) while True: # Read output from pipe # TODO: this should buffer to end of line rather than fixed size output = p.stdout.readline() log.write(output) if verbose: print(output, end ='') # Check for termination if p.poll() is not None: break if p.returncode != 0: print("exited with error code %d" % p.returncode) #if verbose: # return_code =, shell = True) #else: # with open(workdir + '/output.log', 'a') as output: # return_code =, shell = True, stdout = output, stderr = output) # Now read output with open(workdir + '/results.out') as f: output = [] for line in f: value, name = line.split() output.append(float(value)) fx = np.array(output) # delete the output if we're not keeping it if not keep_data: shutil.rmtree(workdir) return fx level_names = ["NONIDEALNOZZLE,1e-8,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.01", "NONIDEALNOZZLE,1e-8,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,NONLINEAR,0.4", "EULER,2D,COARSE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.01", "EULER,2D,MEDIUM,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.2", "EULER,2D,FINE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.4", "EULER,3D,COARSE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.01", "EULER,3D,MEDIUM,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.2", "EULER,3D,FINE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.4", "RANS,2D,COARSE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.01", "RANS,2D,MEDIUM,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.2", "RANS,2D,FINE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.4", "RANS,3D,COARSE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.01", "RANS,3D,MEDIUM,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.2", "RANS,3D,FINE,AEROTHERMOSTRUCTURAL,LINEAR,0.4" ] qoi_names = [ 'SU2 Residual', 'Mass', 'Wall Mass', # 2 'Volume', 'Thrust', # 4 'Thermal Layer Temp. Fail. (Max)', 'Inside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (Max)', #6 'Middle Load Layer Temp. Fail. (Max)', 'Outside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (Max)', #8 'Thermal Layer Struct. Fail. (Max)', 'Inside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (Max)', #10 'Middle Load Layer Struct. Fail. (Max)', 'Outside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (Max)', #12 'Stringers Struct. Fail. (Max)', 'Baffle 1 Struct. Fail. (Max)', # 14 'Baffle 2 Struct. Fail. (Max)', 'Baffle 3 Struct. Fail. (Max)', # 16 'Baffle 4 Struct. Fail. (Max)', 'Baffle 5 Struct. Fail. (Max)', #18 'Thermal Layer Temp. Fail. (PN)', #19 ----- 'Inside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (PN)', # 20 'Middle Load Layer Temp. Fail. (PN)', 'Outside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (PN)', #22 'Thermal Layer Struct. Fail. (PN)', 'Inside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (PN)', #24 'Middle Load Layer Struct. Fail. (PN)', 'Outside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (PN)', #26 'Stringers Struct. Fail. (PN)', 'Baffle 1 Struct. Fail. (PN)', # 28 'Baffle 2 Struct. Fail. (PN)', 'Baffle 3 Struct. Fail. (PN)', # 30 'Baffle 4 Struct. Fail. (PN)', 'Baffle 5 Struct. Fail. (PN)', #32 'Thermal Layer Temp. Fail. (KS)', # 33 -------- 'Inside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (KS)', #34 'Middle Load Layer Temp. Fail. (KS)', 'Outside Load Layer Temp. Fail. (KS)', #36 'Thermal Layer Struct. Fail. (KS)', 'Inside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (KS)', #38 'Middle Load Layer Struct. Fail. (KS)', 'Outside Load Layer Struct. Fail. (KS)', # 40 'Stringers Struct. Fail. (KS)', 'Baffle 1 Struct. Fail. (KS)', # 42 'Baffle 2 Struct. Fail. (KS)', 'Baffle 3 Struct. Fail. (KS)', # 44 'Baffle 4 Struct. Fail. (KS)', 'Baffle 5 Struct. Fail. (KS)', # 46 ]