Source code for

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import scipy

from ..misc import merge
from .domain import TOL, DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS
from .random import RandomDomain
from .linquad import LinQuadDomain

[docs]class NormalDomain(LinQuadDomain, RandomDomain): r""" Domain described by a normal distribution This class describes a normal distribution with mean :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}\in \mathbb{R}^m` and a symmetric positive definite covariance matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}` that has the probability density function: .. math:: p(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{ e^{-\frac12 (\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu}) \boldsymbol{\Gamma}^{-1}(\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu})} }{\sqrt{(2\pi)^m |\boldsymbol{\Gamma}|}} If the parameter :code:`truncate` is specified, this distribution is truncated uniformly; i.e., calling this parameter :math:`\tau`, the resulting domain has measure :math:`1-\tau`. Specifically, if we have a Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\boldsymbol{\Gamma} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{L}^\top` we find a :math:`\rho` such that .. math:: \mathcal{D} &= \lbrace \mathbf{x}: \|\mathbf{L}^{-1}(\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu})\|_2^2 \le \rho\rbrace ; \\ p(\mathcal{D}) &= 1-\tau. This is done so that the domain has compact support which is necessary for several metric-based sampling strategies. Parameters ---------- mean : array-like (m,) Mean cov : array-like (m,m), optional Positive definite Covariance matrix; defaults to the identity matrix truncate: float in [0,1), optional Amount to truncate the domain to ensure compact support """ def __init__(self, mean, cov = None, truncate = None, names = None, **kwargs): self.tol = 1e-6 self.kwargs = merge(DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS, kwargs) ###################################################################################### # Process the mean ###################################################################################### if isinstance(mean, (int, float)): mean = [mean] self.mean = np.array(mean) self._dimension = m = self.mean.shape[0] ###################################################################################### # Process the covariance ###################################################################################### if isinstance(cov, (int, float)): cov = np.array([[cov]]) elif cov is None: cov = np.eye(m) else: cov = np.array(cov) assert cov.shape[0] == cov.shape[1], "Covariance must be square" assert cov.shape[0] == len(self), "Covariance must be the same shape as mean" assert np.all(np.isclose(cov,cov.T)), "Covariance matrix must be symmetric" self.cov = cov self.L = scipy.linalg.cholesky(self.cov, lower = True) self.Linv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(self.L, np.eye(len(self)), lower = True, trans = 'N') self.truncate = truncate if truncate is not None: # Clip corresponds to the 2-norm squared where we should trim based on the truncate # parameter. 1 - cdf is the survival function, so we call the inverse survival function to locate # this parameter. self.clip = scipy.stats.chi2.isf(truncate, len(self)) self._Ls = [np.copy(self.Linv) ] self._ys = [np.copy(self.mean)] # As the transform by Linv places this as a standard-normal, # we truncate at the clip parameter. self._rhos = [np.sqrt(self.clip)] else: self.clip = None self._Ls = [] self._ys = [] self._rhos = [] self._init_names(names) def _sample(self, draw = 1): X = np.random.randn(draw, self.mean.shape[0]) if self.clip is not None: # Under the assumption that the truncation parameter is small, # we use replacement sampling. while True: # Find points that violate the clipping I = np.sum(X**2, axis = 1) > self.clip if np.sum(I) == 0: break X[I,:] = np.random.randn(np.sum(I), self.mean.shape[0]) # Convert from standard normal into this domain X = (self.mean.reshape(-1,1) + ).T return X def _center(self): # We redefine the center because due to anisotropy in the covariance matrix, # the center is *not* the mean of the coordinate-wise bounds return np.copy(self.mean) def _normalized_domain(self, **kwargs): # We need to do this to keep the sampling measure correct names_norm = [name + ' (normalized)' for name in self.names] D = self._normalize_der() return NormalDomain(self.normalize(self.mean),, truncate = self.truncate, names = names_norm, **merge(self.kwargs, kwargs)) ################################################################################ # Simple properties ################################################################################ @property def lb(self): return -np.inf*np.ones(len(self)) @property def ub(self): return np.inf*np.ones(len(self)) @property def A(self): return np.zeros((0,len(self))) @property def b(self): return np.zeros(0) @property def A_eq(self): return np.zeros((0,len(self))) @property def b_eq(self): return np.zeros(0) def _isinside(self, X, tol = TOL): return self._isinside_quad(X, tol = tol) def _pdf(self, X): # Mahalanobis distance d2 = np.sum( - self.mean.reshape(-1,1))**2, axis = 0) # Normalization term p = np.exp(-0.5*d2) / np.sqrt((2*np.pi)**len(self) * np.abs(scipy.linalg.det(self.cov))) if self.truncate is not None: # Normalization term p /= (1-self.truncate) # probability is zero for those points outside of the domain p *= self.isinside(X) pass return p