Source code for psdr.polyridge

"""Ridge function approximation from function values"""
# (c) 2017 Jeffrey M. Hokanson (

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.special
import cvxpy as cp
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy, copy

from .domains import Domain, BoxDomain
from .function import BaseFunction
from .subspace import SubspaceBasedDimensionReduction
from .ridge import RidgeFunction
from .basis import *
from .gn import gauss_newton 
from .seqlp import sequential_lp
from .exceptions import UnderdeterminedException
from .initialization import initialize_subspace
from .poly import PolynomialFunction

[docs]class PolynomialRidgeFunction(RidgeFunction): r""" A polynomial ridge function """ def __init__(self, basis, coef, U): self.basis = basis self.coef = np.copy(coef) self._U = np.array(U) self.domain = None def V(self, X, U = None): if U is None: U = self.U X = np.array(X) Y = (U.T @ X.T).T return self.basis.V(Y) def DV(self, X, U = None): if U is None: U = self.U Y = (U.T @ X.T).T return self.basis.DV(Y) def DDV(self, X, U = None): if U is None: U = self.U Y = (U.T @ X.T).T return self.basis.DDV(Y) def eval(self, X): Vc = self.V(X) @ self.coef return Vc def grad(self, X): if len(X.shape) == 1: one_d = True X = X.reshape(1,-1) else: one_d = False DV = self.DV(X) # Compute gradient on projected space Df = np.tensordot(DV, self.coef, axes = (1,0)) # Inflate back to whole space Df = if one_d: return Df.reshape(X.shape[1]) else: return Df def hessian(self, X): if len(X.shape) == 1: one_d = True X = X.reshape(1,-1) else: one_d = False DDV = self.DDV(X) DDf = np.tensordot(DDV, self.coef, axes = (1,0)) # Inflate back to proper dimensions DDf = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(DDf, self.U, axes = (2,1)) , self.U, axes = (1,1)) if one_d: return DDf.reshape(X.shape[1], X.shape[1]) else: return DDf @property def profile(self): return PolynomialFunction(self.basis, self.coef)
################################################################################ # Two types of custom errors raised by PolynomialRidgeApproximation ################################################################################ class UnderdeterminedException(Exception): pass class IllposedException(Exception): pass def orth(U): """ Orthgonalize, but keep directions""" U, R = np.linalg.qr(U, mode = 'reduced') U =, np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(R)))) return U def inf_norm_fit(A, b): r""" Solve inf-norm linear optimization problem .. math:: \min_{x} \| \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b}\|_\infty """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', PendingDeprecationWarning) x = cp.Variable(A.shape[1]) obj = cp.norm_inf(A @ x - b.flatten()) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) problem.solve(solver = 'ECOS') return x.value def one_norm_fit(A, b): r""" solve 1-norm linear optimization problem .. math:: \min_{x} \| \mathbf{a} \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b}\|_1 """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', PendingDeprecationWarning) x = cp.Variable(A.shape[1]) obj = cp.norm1(x.__rmatmul__(A) - b) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) problem.solve(solver = 'ECOS') return x.value def two_norm_fit(A,b): r""" solve 2-norm linear optimization problem .. math:: \min_{x} \| \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b}\|_2 """ return scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0] def bound_fit(A, b, norm = 2): r""" solve a norm constrained problem .. math:: \min_{x} \| \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b}\|_p \text{such that} \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} -\mathbf{b} \ge 0 """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', PendingDeprecationWarning) x = cp.Variable(A.shape[1]) residual = x.__rmatmul__(A) - b if norm == 1: obj = cp.norm1(residual) elif norm == 2: obj = cp.norm(residual) elif norm == np.inf: obj = cp.norm_inf(residual) constraint = [residual >= 0] #constraint = [x.__rmatmul__(A) - b >= 0] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraint) problem.solve(feastol = 1e-10, solver = cp.ECOS) #problem.solve(eps = 1e-10, solver = cp.SCS) #problem.solve(feastol = 1e-10, solver = cp.CVXOPT) # TODO: The solution doesn't obey the constraints for 1 and inf norm, but does for 2-norm. return x.value
[docs]class PolynomialRidgeApproximation(PolynomialRidgeFunction): r""" Constructs a ridge approximation using a total degree approximation Given a basis of total degree polynomials :math:`\lbrace \psi_j \rbrace_{j=1}^N` on :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`, this class constructs a polynomial ridge function that minimizes the mismatch on a set of points :math:`\lbrace \mathbf{x}_i\rbrace_{i=1}^M \subset \mathbb{R}^m` in a :math:`p`-norm: .. math:: \min_{\mathbf{U} \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}, \ \mathbf{U}^\top \mathbf{U} = \mathbf I, \ \mathbf{c}\in \mathbb{R}^N } \sqrt[p]{ \sum_{i=1}^M \left|f(\mathbf{x}_i) - \sum_{j=1}^N c_j \psi_j(\mathbf{U}^\top \mathbf{x}_i) \right|^p} This approach assumes :math:`\mathbf{U}` is an element of the Grassmann manifold obeying the orthogonality constraint. For the 2-norm (:math:`p=2`) this implementation uses Variable Projection following [HC18]_ to remove the solution of the linear coefficients :math:`\mathbf{c}`, leaving an optimization problem posed over the Grassmann manifold alone. For both the 1-norm and the :math:`\infty`-norm, this implementation uses a sequential linear program with a trust region coupled with a nonlinear trajectory through the search space. Parameters ---------- degree: int Degree of polynomial subspace_dimension: int Dimension of the low-dimensional subspace associated with the ridge approximation. basis: ['legendre', 'monomial', 'chebyshev', 'laguerre', 'hermite'] Basis for polynomial representation norm: [1, 2, np.inf, 'inf'] Norm in which to evaluate the mismatch between the ridge approximation and the data scale: bool (default:True) Scale the coordinates along the ridge to ameliorate ill-conditioning bound: [None, 'lower', 'upper'] If 'lower' or 'upper' construct a lower or upper bound rotate: bool If True, rotate the U matrix to align to the active subspace with average increasing gradients References ---------- .. [HC18] J. M. Hokanson and Paul G. Constantine. Data-driven Polynomial Ridge Approximation Using Variable Projection. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol 40, No 3, pp A1566--A1589, DOI:10.1137/17M1117690. """ def __init__(self, degree, subspace_dimension, basis = 'legendre', norm = 2, n_init = 1, scale = True, keep_data = True, domain = None, bound = None, rotate = True, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.rotate = rotate assert isinstance(degree, int) assert degree >= 0 = degree assert isinstance(subspace_dimension, int) assert subspace_dimension >= 1 self.subspace_dimension = subspace_dimension if == 1 and subspace_dimension > 1: self.subspace_dimension = 1 if == 0: self.subspace_dimension = 0 basis = basis.lower() assert basis in ['arnoldi', 'legendre', 'monomial', 'chebyshev', 'laguerre', 'hermite'] self.basis_name = copy(basis) if basis == 'arnoldi': self.Basis = ArnoldiPolynomialBasis elif basis == 'legendre': self.Basis = LegendreTensorBasis elif basis == 'monomial': self.Basis = MonomialTensorBasis elif basis == 'chebyshev': self.Basis = ChebyshevTensorBasis elif basis == 'laguerre': self.Basis = LaguerreTensorBasis elif basis == 'hermite': self.Basis = HermiteTensorBasis assert isinstance(keep_data, bool) self.keep_data = keep_data assert isinstance(scale, bool) self.scale = scale assert norm in [1,2,'inf', np.inf], "Invalid norm specified" if norm == 'inf': norm = np.inf self.norm = norm if domain is None: self.domain = None else: assert isinstance(domain, Domain) self.domain = deepcopy(domain) assert bound in [None, 'lower', 'upper'], "Invalid bound specified" self.bound = bound def __len__(self): return self.U.shape[0] def __str__(self): return "<PolynomialRidgeApproximation degree %d, subspace dimension %d>" % (, self.subspace_dimension) def fit_fixed_subspace(self, X, fX, U): r""" """ assert U.shape[0] == X.shape[1], "U has %d rows, expected %d based on X" % (U.shape[0], X.shape[1]) assert U.shape[1] == self.subspace_dimension, "U has %d columns; expected %d" % (U.shape[1], self.subspace_dimension) self._finish(X, fX, U)
[docs] def fit(self, X, fX, U0 = None): r""" Given samples, fit the polynomial ridge approximation. Parameters ---------- X : array-like (M, m) Input coordinates fX : array-like (M,) Evaluations of the function at the samples """ kwargs = self.kwargs X = np.array(X) fX = np.array(fX).flatten() assert X.shape[0] == fX.shape[0], "Dimensions of input do not match" # Check if we have enough data to make problem overdetermined m = X.shape[1] n = self.subspace_dimension d = n_param = scipy.special.comb(n+d, d) # Polynomial contribution n_param += m*n - (n*(n+1))//2 # Number of parameters in Grassmann manifold if len(fX) < n_param: mess = "A polynomial ridge approximation of degree %d and subspace dimension %d of a %d-dimensional function " % (d, n, m) mess += "requires at least %d samples to not be underdetermined" % (n_param, ) raise UnderdeterminedException(mess) # Special case where solution is convex and no iteration is required if self.subspace_dimension == 1 and == 1: self._U = self._fit_affine(X, fX) self.coef = self._fit_coef(X, fX, self._U) return if U0 is not None: # Check that U0 has the right shape U0 = np.array(U0) assert U0.shape[0] == X.shape[1], "U0 has %d rows, expected %d based on X" % (U0.shape[0], X.shape[1]) assert U0.shape[1] == self.subspace_dimension, "U0 has %d columns; expected %d" % (U0.shape[1], self.subspace_dimension) else: U0 = initialize_subspace(X = X, fX = fX)[:,:self.subspace_dimension] # Orthogonalize just to make sure the starting value satisfies constraints U0 = orth(U0) # TODO Implement multiple initializations if self.norm == 2 and self.bound == None: return self._fit_varpro(X, fX, U0, **kwargs) else: return self._fit_alternating(X, fX, U0, **kwargs)
################################################################################ # Specialized Affine fits def _fit_affine(self, X, fX): r""" Solves the affine """ # Normalize the domain lb = np.min(X, axis = 0) ub = np.max(X, axis = 0) dom = BoxDomain(lb, ub) XX = np.hstack([dom.normalize(X), np.ones((X.shape[0],1))]) # Normalize the output fX = (fX - np.min(fX))/(np.max(fX) - np.min(fX)) if self.bound is None: if self.norm == 1: b = one_norm_fit(XX, fX) elif self.norm == 2: b = two_norm_fit(XX, fX) elif self.norm == np.inf: b = inf_norm_fit(XX, fX) elif self.bound == 'lower': # fX >= XX b b = bound_fit(XX, fX, norm = self.norm) elif self.bound == 'upper': b = bound_fit(-XX, -fX, norm = self.norm) U = b[0:-1].reshape(-1,1) # Correct for transform U = dom._normalize_der().dot(U) # Force to have unit norm U /= np.linalg.norm(U) return U def _fit_coef(self, X, fX, U): r""" Returns the linear coefficients """ Y = (U.T @ X.T).T self.basis = self.Basis(, X = Y) V = self.basis.V(Y) if self.bound is None: if self.norm == 1: c = one_norm_fit(V, fX) elif self.norm == 2: c = two_norm_fit(V, fX) elif self.norm == np.inf: c = inf_norm_fit(V, fX) else: raise NotImplementedError elif self.bound == 'lower': c = bound_fit(-V, -fX, norm = self.norm) elif self.bound == 'upper': c = bound_fit(V, fX, norm = self.norm) return c def _finish(self, X, fX, U): r""" Given final U, rotate and find coefficients """ Y = (U.T @ X.T).T # Step 1: Apply active subspaces to the profile function at samples X # to rotate onto the most important directions if U.shape[1] > 1 and self.rotate: self._U = U self.coef = self._fit_coef(X, fX, U) grads = self.profile.grad(Y) # We only need the short-form SVD Ur = scipy.linalg.svd(grads.T, full_matrices = False)[0] U = U @ Ur self._U = U # Step 2: Flip signs such that average slope is positive in the coordinate directions if self.rotate: self.coef = self._fit_coef(X, fX, U) grads = self.profile.grad(Y) self._U = U =, axis = 0)))) # Step 3: final fit self.coef = self._fit_coef(X, fX, U) ################################################################################ # VarPro based solution for the 2-norm without bound constraints ################################################################################ def _varpro_residual(self, X, fX, U_flat): U = U_flat.reshape(X.shape[1],-1) #V = self.V(X, U) Y = (U.T @ X.T).T self.basis = self.Basis(, Y) V = self.basis.V(Y) if self.basis_name == 'arnoldi': # In this case, V is orthonormal c = V.T @ fX else: c = scipy.linalg.lstsq(V, fX)[0].flatten() r = fX - return r def _varpro_jacobian(self, X, fX, U_flat): # Get dimensions M, m = X.shape U = U_flat.reshape(X.shape[1],-1) m, n = U.shape Y = (U.T @ X.T).T self.basis = self.Basis(, Y) V = self.basis.V(Y) DV = self.basis.DV(Y) if isinstance(self.basis, ArnoldiPolynomialBasis): # In this case, V is orthonormal c = V.T @ fX Y = np.copy(V) s = np.ones(V.shape[1]) ZT = np.eye(V.shape[1]) else: c = scipy.linalg.lstsq(V, fX)[0].flatten() Y, s, ZT = scipy.linalg.svd(V, full_matrices = False) r = fX - N = V.shape[1] J1 = np.zeros((M,m,n)) J2 = np.zeros((N,m,n)) for ell in range(n): for k in range(m): DVDU_k = X[:,k,None]*DV[:,:,ell] # This is the first term in the VARPRO Jacobian minus the projector out fron J1[:, k, ell] = # This is the second term in the VARPRO Jacobian before applying V^- J2[:, k, ell] = # Project against the range of V J1 -= np.tensordot(Y, np.tensordot(Y.T, J1, (1,0)), (1,0)) # Apply V^- by the pseudo inverse J2 = np.tensordot(np.diag(1./s),np.tensordot(ZT, J2, (1,0)), (1,0)) J = -( J1 + np.tensordot(Y, J2, (1,0))) return J.reshape(J.shape[0], -1) def _grassmann_trajectory(self, U_flat, Delta_flat, t): Delta = Delta_flat.reshape(-1, self.subspace_dimension) U = U_flat.reshape(-1, self.subspace_dimension) Y, s, ZT = scipy.linalg.svd(Delta, full_matrices = False, lapack_driver = 'gesvd') UZ =, ZT.T) U_new =, np.diag(np.cos(s*t))) +, np.diag(np.sin(s*t))) U_new = orth(U_new).flatten() return U_new def _fit_varpro(self, X, fX, U0, **kwargs): def gn_solver(J_flat, r): Y, s, ZT = scipy.linalg.svd(J_flat, full_matrices = False, lapack_driver = 'gesvd') # Apply the pseudoinverse n = self.subspace_dimension Delta_flat = -ZT[:-n**2,:][:-n**2]).dot(Y[:,:-n**2] return Delta_flat, s[:-n**2] def jacobian(U_flat): return self._varpro_jacobian(X, fX, U_flat) def residual(U_flat): return self._varpro_residual(X, fX, U_flat) U0_flat = U0.flatten() U_flat, info = gauss_newton(residual, jacobian, U0_flat, trajectory = self._grassmann_trajectory, gnsolver = gn_solver, **kwargs) U = U_flat.reshape(-1, self.subspace_dimension) self._finish(X, fX, U) ################################################################################ # Generic residual and Jacobian ################################################################################ def _residual(self, X, fX, U_c): M, m = X.shape N = len(self.basis) n = self.subspace_dimension # Extract U and c U = U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n) c = U_c[m*n:].reshape(N) # Construct basis #V = self.V(X, U) Y = (U.T @ X.T).T V = self.basis.V(Y) res = V @ c - fX return res def _jacobian(self, X, fX, U_c): M, m = X.shape N = len(self.basis) n = self.subspace_dimension # Extract U and c U = U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n) c = U_c[m*n:].reshape(N) # Re-initialize basis Y = (U.T @ X.T).T self.basis = self.Basis(, Y) V = self.basis.V(Y) # Derivative of V with respect to U with c fixed DVDUc = np.zeros((M,m,n)) #DV = self.DV(X, U) # Size (M, N, n) DV = self.basis.DV(Y) for k in range(m): for ell in range(n): DVDUc[:,k,ell] = X[:,k]*[:,:,ell], c) # Derivative with respect to linear component #V = self.V(X, U) # Total Jacobian jac = np.hstack([DVDUc.reshape(M,-1), V]) return jac def _trajectory(self, X, fX, U_c, pU_pc, alpha): r""" For the trajectory through the sup-norm space, we automatically compute optimal c and advance U along the geodesic """ M, m = X.shape N = len(self.basis) n = self.subspace_dimension # Split components U = orth(U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n)) c = U_c[m*n:].reshape(N) Delta = pU_pc[:m*n].reshape(m,n) pc = pU_pc[m*n:].reshape(N) # Orthogonalize Delta = Delta - # Compute the step along the Geodesic Y, s, ZT = scipy.linalg.svd(Delta, full_matrices = False, lapack_driver = 'gesvd') U_new =,ZT.T), np.diag(np.cos(s*alpha))) +, np.diag(np.sin(s*alpha))) # TODO: align U and U_new to minimize Frobenius norm error # right the small step termination criteria is never triggering because U_new and U have different orientations # Solve a convex problem to actually compute optimal c c = self._fit_coef(X, fX, U_new) return np.hstack([U_new.flatten(), c.flatten()]) def _fit_alternating(self, X, fX, U0, **kwargs): M, m = X.shape n = self.subspace_dimension def residual(U_c): r = self._residual(X, fX, U_c) return r def jacobian(U_c): m = X.shape[1] n = self.subspace_dimension U = U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n) #self.set_scale(X, U) J = self._jacobian(X, fX, U_c) return J # Trajectory trajectory = lambda U_c, p, alpha: self._trajectory(X, fX, U_c, p, alpha) # Initialize parameter values #self.set_scale(X, U0) c0 = self._fit_coef(X, fX, U0) U_c0 = np.hstack([U0.flatten(), c0]) # Add orthogonality constraints to search direction # Recall pU.T @ U == 0 is a requirement for Grassmann optimization def search_constraints(U_c, pU_pc): M, m = X.shape N = len(self.basis) n = self.subspace_dimension U = U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n) constraints = [ pU_pc[k*m:(k+1)*m].__rmatmul__(U.T) == np.zeros(n) for k in range(n)] return constraints # setup lower/upper bound into SLP solver obj_lb = None obj_ub = None if self.bound == 'lower': obj_ub = np.zeros(fX.shape) elif self.bound == 'upper': obj_lb = np.zeros(fX.shape) # Perform optimization U_c = sequential_lp(residual, U_c0, jacobian, trajectory = trajectory, obj_lb = obj_lb, obj_ub = obj_ub, search_constraints = search_constraints, norm = self.norm, **kwargs) # Store solution U = U_c[:m*n].reshape(m,n) self._finish(X, fX, U)