Source code for

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp

import scipy.linalg
from scipy.linalg import orth
from scipy.optimize import nnls
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

from functools import lru_cache

	from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:
	from backports.cached_property import cached_property

from .domain import TOL, DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS
from .linquad import LinQuadDomain
from .box import BoxDomain
from ..misc import merge
from ..geometry import unique_points
from .euclidean import TOL

def _hull_to_linineq(X):
	if X.shape[0] == 1:
		A = None
		b = None
		vertices = X
		A_eq = np.eye(X.shape[1])
		b_eq = X.flatten()
		return A, b, A_eq, b_eq, vertices

	# Find a low-dimensional subspace on which this data lives
	Xc = np.mean(X, axis = 0)
	Xdiff = (X.T - Xc.reshape(-1,1)).T
	U, s, VT = scipy.linalg.svd(Xdiff, full_matrices = False)
	I = np.isclose(s, 0)
	Q, _ = scipy.linalg.qr(VT[~I].T, mode = 'full')
	dim = np.sum(~I)
	# component where coordinates change
	Qpar = Q[:,0:dim]
	# orthogonal complement
	Qperp = Q[:, dim:]

	Y = X @ Qpar
	if Y.shape[1] > 1:
		hull = ConvexHull(Y)
		A = hull.equations[:,:-1] @ Qpar.T
		b = -hull.equations[:,-1]
		vertices = X[hull.vertices]
		# this is an interval which is not handled by Qhull
		A = np.array([1, -1]).reshape(2,1) @ Qpar.T
		b = np.array([np.max(Y), -np.min(Y)])
		vertices = np.array([X[np.argmax(Y)], X[np.argmin(Y)]])
	A_eq = Qperp.T
	b_eq = np.mean( X @ Qperp, axis = 0)
	return A, b, A_eq, b_eq, vertices

class _Extent:
	def __init__(self, domain):

		self.domain = domain
		self.alpha = cp.Variable(len(domain.X), nonneg = True) # Convex combination parameters
		self.beta = cp.Variable()           # step length
		self.x_norm = cp.Parameter(len(domain)) # starting point in the domain
		self.p_norm = cp.Parameter(len(domain)) # direction in the domain
		self.obj = cp.Maximize(self.beta)
		self.constraints = [
			self.domain._X_norm.T @ self.alpha == self.p_norm * self.beta + self.x_norm,
			cp.sum(self.alpha) == 1
		self.constraints += LinQuadDomain._build_constraints_norm(domain, self.x_norm) 
		self.prob = cp.Problem(self.obj, self.constraints)

	def __call__(self, x, p, **kwargs):
		kwargs['warm_start'] = False
		self.x_norm.value = self.domain.normalize(x)
		self.p_norm.value = self.domain.normalize(x+p)-self.domain.normalize(x)

		#self.prob.solve(verbose = True)
		self.prob.solve(**merge(self.domain.kwargs, kwargs))
			return float(self.beta.value)
		except Exception as e:
			return 0

[docs]class ConvexHullDomain(LinQuadDomain): r"""Define a domain that is the interior of a convex hull of points. Given a set of points :math:`\lbrace x_i \rbrace_{i=1}^M\subset \mathbb{R}^m`, construct a domain from their convex hull: .. math:: \mathcal{D} := \left\lbrace \sum_{i=1}^M \alpha_i x_i : \sum_{i=1}^M \alpha_i = 1, \ \alpha_i \ge 0 \right\rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m. In additionally any linear equality, linear inequality, and quadratic inequality constraints can be included. Parameters ---------- X: array-like (M, m) Points from which to build the convex hull of points. A: array-like (m,n) Matrix in left-hand side of inequality constraint b: array-like (m,) Vector in right-hand side of the ineqaluty constraint A_eq: array-like (p,n) Matrix in left-hand side of equality constraint b_eq: array-like (p,) Vector in right-hand side of equality constraint lb: array-like (n,) Vector of lower bounds ub: array-like (n,) Vector of upper bounds Ls: list of array-likes (p,m) List of matrices with m columns defining the quadratic constraints ys: list of array-likes (m,) Centers of the quadratic constraints rhos: list of positive floats Radii of quadratic constraints names: list of strings, optional Names for each of the parameters in the space kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters to be passed to cvxpy Problem.solve() """ def __init__(self, X, A = None, b = None, lb = None, ub = None, A_eq = None, b_eq = None, Ls = None, ys = None, rhos = None, names = None, tol = TOL, **kwargs): X = np.atleast_2d(X) I = unique_points(X) self._X = np.copy(X[I]) self._init_names(names) self.tol = tol # Start setting default values self._lb = self._init_lb(lb) self._ub = self._init_ub(ub) self._A, self._b = self._init_ineq(A, b) self._A_eq, self._b_eq = self._init_eq(A_eq, b_eq) self._Ls, self._ys, self._rhos = self._init_quad(Ls, ys, rhos) # TODO: should we consider reducing dimension via rotation # if the points are colinear ? # Setup the lower and upper bounds to improve conditioning # when solving LPs associated with domain features self._norm_lb = np.min(self._X, axis = 0) self._norm_ub = np.max(self._X, axis = 0) self._X_norm = self.normalize(self.X) self.kwargs = merge(DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS, kwargs) self._extent = _Extent(self) def _is_box_domain(self): return False def __str__(self): ret = "<ConvexHullDomain on R^%d based on %d points" % (len(self), len(self._X_norm)) if len(self._Ls) > 0: ret += "; %d quadratic constraints" % (len(self._Ls),) if self._A.shape[0] > 0: ret += "; %d linear inequality constraints" % (self._A.shape[0], ) if self._A_eq.shape[0] > 0: ret += "; %d linear equality constraints" % (self._A_eq.shape[0], ) ret += ">" return ret def chebyshev_center(self): raise NotImplementedError @lru_cache(maxsize = None) def to_linineq(self, **kwargs): r""" Convert the domain into a LinIneqDomain """ A, b, A_eq, b_eq, vertices = _hull_to_linineq(self._X) dom_hull = LinQuadDomain(A = A, b = b, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, names = self.names, **kwargs) dom_hull.vertices = np.copy(vertices) # Add back in non-hull constraints dom = dom_hull.add_constraints(A = self.A, b = self.b, A_eq = self.A_eq, b_eq = self.b_eq, Ls = self.Ls, ys = self.ys, rhos = self.rhos) return dom def coefficients(self, x, **kwargs): r""" Find the coefficients of the convex combination of elements in the space yielding x """ x_norm = self.normalize(x) A = np.vstack([self._X_norm.T, np.ones( (1,len(self._X_norm)) )]) b = np.hstack([x_norm, 1]) alpha, rnorm = nnls(A, b) return alpha @property def X(self): return np.copy(self._X) def __len__(self): return self._X.shape[1] def _sample(self, draw = 1): if len(self.X) == 1: return np.outer(np.ones(draw), self.X) try: # Try a quicker method to sample from the domain if there are only two points assert len(self._X) == 2 alphas = np.random.uniform(0,1, size = draw) X = np.vstack([self._X[0] * alpha + self._X[1]*(1-alpha) for alpha in alphas]) # These points automatically satisfy the convex combination constraint # We then check if the remaining constraints are satisfied # if not, we error out and revert to hit and run sampling assert np.all(self._isinside_bounds(X)) assert np.all(self._isinside_ineq(X)) assert np.all(self._isinside_eq(X)) assert np.all(self._isinside_quad(X)) return X except AssertionError: pass if len(self) <= 3: dom = self.to_linineq() return dom.sample(draw) else: return super(ConvexHullDomain, self)._sample(draw = draw) def _build_constraints(self, x): alpha = cp.Variable(len(self.X), name = 'alpha') constraints = [x == alpha @ self._X.T, alpha >=0, cp.sum(alpha) == 1] constraints += LinQuadDomain._build_constraints(self, x) return constraints def _build_constraints_norm(self, x_norm): alpha = cp.Variable(len(self._X_norm), name = 'alpha') constraints = [x_norm == alpha @ self._X_norm, alpha >=0, cp.sum(alpha) == 1] constraints += LinQuadDomain._build_constraints_norm(self, x_norm) return constraints def _isinside(self, X, tol = TOL): # Check that the points are in the convex hull inside = np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype = np.bool) for i, xi in enumerate(X): alpha = self.coefficients(xi) rnorm = np.linalg.norm( xi - inside[i] = (rnorm < tol) # Now check linear inequality/equality constraints and quadratic constraints inside &= self._isinside_bounds(X, tol = tol) inside &= self._isinside_ineq(X, tol = tol) inside &= self._isinside_eq(X, tol = tol) inside &= self._isinside_quad(X, tol = tol) return inside def add_constraints(self, A = None, b = None, lb = None, ub = None, A_eq = None, b_eq = None, Ls = None, ys = None, rhos = None): lb = self._init_lb(lb) ub = self._init_ub(ub) A, b = self._init_ineq(A, b) A_eq, b_eq = self._init_eq(A_eq, b_eq) Ls, ys, rhos = self._init_quad(Ls, ys, rhos) A = np.vstack([self.A, A]) b = np.hstack([self.b, b]) lb = np.maximum(lb, ub = np.minimum(ub, self.ub) A_eq = np.vstack([self.A_eq, A_eq]) b_eq = np.hstack([self.b_eq, b_eq]) Ls = self.Ls + Ls ys = self.ys + ys rhos = self.rhos + rhos return ConvexHullDomain(self.X, A = A, b = b, lb = lb, ub = ub, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, Ls = Ls, ys = ys, rhos = rhos, names = self.names, tol = self.tol, **self.kwargs) @cached_property def _A_eq_basis(self): try: if len(self.A_eq) == 0: raise AttributeError Qeq = orth(self.A_eq.T) except AttributeError: Qeq = np.zeros((len(self),0)) # Check if points are colinear; if so add the corresponding equality constraint Xc = np.mean(self.X, axis = 0) Xdiff = (self.X.T - Xc.reshape(-1,1)).T U, s, VT = scipy.linalg.svd(Xdiff, full_matrices = False) I = np.isclose(s, 0) if np.sum(I) > 0: # Find an orthogonal basis for the nullspace of the nonzero right singular vectors # (we do this to avoid computing a full singular value decomposition as there may be many # points defining the convex hull domain) Q, _ = scipy.linalg.qr(VT[~I].T, mode = 'full') Q = Q[:, np.sum(~I):] Qeq = orth(np.hstack([Qeq, Q])) return Qeq