
Design Considerations

In order to use dimension reduction for practical algorithms, we need be able to solve three problems:

Problem Mathematical statement
extent \(\displaystyle \max_{\alpha \ge 0} \alpha \text{ such that } \mathbf{x}_0+\alpha \mathbf{p}\in \mathcal{D}\)
closest point \(\displaystyle \min_{\mathbf x \in \mathcal D} \| \mathbf L (\mathbf x - \mathbf y)\|_2\)
furthest point (corner) \(\displaystyle \max_{\mathbf x \in \mathcal D} \mathbf p^\top \mathbf x\)
constrained least squares \(\displaystyle \min_{\mathbf x \in \mathcal D} \| \mathbf A \mathbf x - \mathbf b \|_2\)

With these three operations, we can, for example, implement hit-and-run sampling.

Abstract Base Class

All domains implement a similar interface that provides these operations.

class psdr.Domain[source]

Abstract base class for arbitary domain shapes


Returns True if the domain is specified only by bound constraints on each variable


Returns True if the domain is specified by linear equality/inqueality constraints


Returns true if the domain is purely specified by linear equality/inequality and convex quadratic constraints

Deterministic Domains

Here we use deterministic domains to describe domains whose main function is to specify a series of constraints. These classes do have a sample method, but this sampling is simply random with uniform probability over the domain. The classes below are in the nesting order; i.e., a BoxDomain is a subset of a LinIneqDomain. These distinctions are important as we can often use less expensive algorithms for each of the subclasses.

class psdr.LinQuadDomain(A=None, b=None, lb=None, ub=None, A_eq=None, b_eq=None, Ls=None, ys=None, rhos=None, names=None, **kwargs)[source]

A domain specified by a combination of linear (in)equality constraints and convex quadratic constraints

Here we define a domain that is specified in terms of bound constraints, linear inequality constraints, linear equality constraints, and quadratic constraints.

\[\mathcal{D} := \left \lbrace \mathbf{x} : \text{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \text{ub}, \ \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b}, \ \mathbf{A}_{\text{eq}} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}_{\text{eq}}, \ \| \mathbf{L}_i (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}_i)\|_2 \le \rho_i \right\rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m\]
  • A (array-like (m,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of inequality constraint
  • b (array-like (m,)) – Vector in right-hand side of the ineqaluty constraint
  • A_eq (array-like (p,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of equality constraint
  • b_eq (array-like (p,)) – Vector in right-hand side of equality constraint
  • lb (array-like (n,)) – Vector of lower bounds
  • ub (array-like (n,)) – Vector of upper bounds
  • Ls (list of array-likes (p,m)) – List of matrices with m columns defining the quadratic constraints
  • ys (list of array-likes (m,)) – Centers of the quadratic constraints
  • rhos (list of positive floats) – Radii of quadratic constraints
  • names (list of strings, optional) – Names for each of the parameters in the space
  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional parameters to be passed to cvxpy Problem.solve()
class psdr.LinIneqDomain(A=None, b=None, lb=None, ub=None, A_eq=None, b_eq=None, names=None, **kwargs)[source]

A domain specified by a combination of linear equality and inequality constraints.

Here we build a domain specified by three kinds of constraints: bound constraints \(\text{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \text{ub}\), inequality constraints \(\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b}\), and equality constraints \(\mathbf{A}_{\text{eq}} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}_{\text{eq}}\):

\[\mathcal{D} := \left \lbrace \mathbf{x} : \text{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \text{ub}, \ \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b}, \ \mathbf{A}_{\text{eq}} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}_{\text{eq}} \right\rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m\]
  • A (array-like (m,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of inequality constraint
  • b (array-like (m,)) – Vector in right-hand side of the ineqaluty constraint
  • A_eq (array-like (p,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of equality constraint
  • b_eq (array-like (p,)) – Vector in right-hand side of equality constraint
  • lb (array-like (n,)) – Vector of lower bounds
  • ub (array-like (n,)) – Vector of upper bounds
  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional parameters to pass to solvers

Estimates the Chebyshev center using the constrainted least squares approach

Solves the linear program finding the radius \(r\) and Chebyshev center \(\mathbf{x}\).

\[\begin{split}\max_{r\in \mathbb{R}^+, \mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}} &\ r \\ \text{such that} & \ \mathbf{a}_i^\top \mathbf{x} + r \|\mathbf{a}_i\|_2 \le b_i\end{split}\]

where we have expressed the domain in terms of the linear inequality constraints \(\mathcal{D}=\lbrace \mathbf{x} : \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b}\rbrace\) and \(\mathbf{a}_i^\top\) are the rows of \(\mathbf{A}\) as described in [BVNotes].

  • center (np.ndarray(m,)) – Center of the domain
  • radius (float) – radius of largest circle inside the domain


[BVNotes], page 4-19.
class psdr.ConvexHullDomain(X, A=None, b=None, lb=None, ub=None, A_eq=None, b_eq=None, Ls=None, ys=None, rhos=None, names=None, tol=1e-05, **kwargs)[source]

Define a domain that is the interior of a convex hull of points.

Given a set of points \(\lbrace x_i \rbrace_{i=1}^M\subset \mathbb{R}^m\), construct a domain from their convex hull:

\[\mathcal{D} := \left\lbrace \sum_{i=1}^M \alpha_i x_i : \sum_{i=1}^M \alpha_i = 1, \ \alpha_i \ge 0 \right\rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m.\]

In additionally any linear equality, linear inequality, and quadratic inequality constraints can be included.

  • X (array-like (M, m)) – Points from which to build the convex hull of points.
  • A (array-like (m,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of inequality constraint
  • b (array-like (m,)) – Vector in right-hand side of the ineqaluty constraint
  • A_eq (array-like (p,n)) – Matrix in left-hand side of equality constraint
  • b_eq (array-like (p,)) – Vector in right-hand side of equality constraint
  • lb (array-like (n,)) – Vector of lower bounds
  • ub (array-like (n,)) – Vector of upper bounds
  • Ls (list of array-likes (p,m)) – List of matrices with m columns defining the quadratic constraints
  • ys (list of array-likes (m,)) – Centers of the quadratic constraints
  • rhos (list of positive floats) – Radii of quadratic constraints
  • names (list of strings, optional) – Names for each of the parameters in the space
  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional parameters to be passed to cvxpy Problem.solve()
class psdr.BoxDomain(lb, ub, names=None)[source]

Implements a domain specified by box constraints

Given a set of lower and upper bounds, this class defines the domain

\[\mathcal{D} := \lbrace \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^m : \text{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \text{ub} \rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m.\]
  • lb (array-like (m,)) – Lower bounds
  • ub (array-like (m,)) – Upper bounds
class psdr.PointDomain(x, names=None)[source]

A domain consisting of a single point

Given a point \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^m\), construct the domain consisting of that point

\[\mathcal{D} = \lbrace \mathbf x \rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m.\]
Parameters:x (array-like (m,)) – Single point to be contained in the domain

Random Domains

An alternative function of domains is to provide samples from an associate sampling measure on some domain \(\mathcal{D}\). Domains with a stochastic interpretation are all subclasses of psdr.RandomDomain and implement several additional functions.

class psdr.RandomDomain(names=None)[source]

Abstract base class for domains with an associated sampling measure


Probability density function associated with the domain

This evaluates a probability density function \(p:\mathcal{D}\to \mathbb{R}_*\) at the requested points. By definition, this density function is normalized to have measure over the domain to be one:

\[\int_{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{D}} p(\mathbf{x}) \mathrm{d} \mathbf{x}.\]
Parameters:X (array-like, either (m,) or (N,m)) – points to evaluate the density function at
Returns:evaluation of the density function
Return type:array-like (N,)
class psdr.UniformDomain(lb, ub, names=None)[source]

A randomized version of a BoxDomain with a uniform measure on the space.

class psdr.NormalDomain(mean, cov=None, truncate=None, names=None, **kwargs)[source]

Domain described by a normal distribution

This class describes a normal distribution with mean \(\boldsymbol{\mu}\in \mathbb{R}^m\) and a symmetric positive definite covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}\) that has the probability density function:

\[p(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{ e^{-\frac12 (\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu}) \boldsymbol{\Gamma}^{-1}(\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu})} }{\sqrt{(2\pi)^m |\boldsymbol{\Gamma}|}}\]

If the parameter truncate is specified, this distribution is truncated uniformly; i.e., calling this parameter \(\tau\), the resulting domain has measure \(1-\tau\). Specifically, if we have a Cholesky decomposition of \(\boldsymbol{\Gamma} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{L}^\top\) we find a \(\rho\) such that

\[\begin{split}\mathcal{D} &= \lbrace \mathbf{x}: \|\mathbf{L}^{-1}(\mathbf{x} - \boldsymbol{\mu})\|_2^2 \le \rho\rbrace ; \\ p(\mathcal{D}) &= 1-\tau.\end{split}\]

This is done so that the domain has compact support which is necessary for several metric-based sampling strategies.

  • mean (array-like (m,)) – Mean
  • cov (array-like (m,m), optional) – Positive definite Covariance matrix; defaults to the identity matrix
  • truncate (float in [0,1), optional) – Amount to truncate the domain to ensure compact support
class psdr.LogNormalDomain(mean, cov=1.0, offset=0.0, scaling=1.0, truncate=None, names=None)[source]

A one-dimensional domain described by a log-normal distribution.

Given a normal distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Gamma})\), the log normal is described by

\[x = \alpha + \beta e^y, \quad y \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Gamma})\]

where \(\alpha\) is an offset and \(\beta\) is a scaling coefficient.

  • mean (float) – mean of normal distribution feeding the log-normal distribution
  • cov (float, optional) – covariance of normal distribution feeding the log-normal distribution
  • offset (float, optional) – Shift the distribution
  • scaling (float or np.ndarray) – Scale the output of the log-normal distribution
  • truncate (float [0,1)) – Truncate the tails of the distribution

Tensor Product Domain

As part of the operations on domains, one goal is to compose a tensor product of sub-domains; i.e., given \(\mathcal{D}_1\) and \(\mathcal{D}_2\) to form:

\[\mathcal{D} := \mathcal{D}_1 \otimes \mathcal{D}_2.\]
class psdr.TensorProductDomain(domains=None, **kwargs)[source]

A class describing a tensor product of a multiple domains

  • domains (list of domains) – Domains to combine into a single domain
  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to CVXPY

Domain Operations