Source code for

r""" LinQuadDomain definition

Philosophically, LinQuad domains consist of those convex domains specified by a combination
of linear inequality, linear equality, and quadratic inequality constraints.

From a code perspective, this is where a dependency on CVXPY is introduced to 
handle domain properities from within this domain


from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
from .domain import TOL, DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS
from .euclidean import EuclideanDomain
from .tensor import TensorProductDomain

from ..misc import merge

[docs]class LinQuadDomain(EuclideanDomain): r"""A domain specified by a combination of linear (in)equality constraints and convex quadratic constraints Here we define a domain that is specified in terms of bound constraints, linear inequality constraints, linear equality constraints, and quadratic constraints. .. math:: \mathcal{D} := \left \lbrace \mathbf{x} : \text{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \text{ub}, \ \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{b}, \ \mathbf{A}_{\text{eq}} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}_{\text{eq}}, \ \| \mathbf{L}_i (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}_i)\|_2 \le \rho_i \right\rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^m Parameters ---------- A: array-like (m,n) Matrix in left-hand side of inequality constraint b: array-like (m,) Vector in right-hand side of the ineqaluty constraint A_eq: array-like (p,n) Matrix in left-hand side of equality constraint b_eq: array-like (p,) Vector in right-hand side of equality constraint lb: array-like (n,) Vector of lower bounds ub: array-like (n,) Vector of upper bounds Ls: list of array-likes (p,m) List of matrices with m columns defining the quadratic constraints ys: list of array-likes (m,) Centers of the quadratic constraints rhos: list of positive floats Radii of quadratic constraints names: list of strings, optional Names for each of the parameters in the space kwargs: dict, optional Additional parameters to be passed to cvxpy Problem.solve() """ def __init__(self, A = None, b = None, lb = None, ub = None, A_eq = None, b_eq = None, Ls = None, ys = None, rhos = None, names = None, **kwargs): self.tol = 1e-6 # Determine dimension of space self._init_dim(lb = lb, ub = ub, A = A, A_eq = A_eq, Ls = Ls) # Start setting default values self._lb = self._init_lb(lb) self._ub = self._init_ub(ub) self._A, self._b = self._init_ineq(A, b) self._A_eq, self._b_eq = self._init_eq(A_eq, b_eq) self._Ls, self._ys, self._rhos = self._init_quad(Ls, ys, rhos) self._init_names(names) self.kwargs = merge(DEFAULT_CVXPY_KWARGS, kwargs) def __str__(self): ret = "<%s on R^%d" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) if len(self._Ls) > 0: ret += "; %d quadratic constraints" % (len(self._Ls),) if self._A.shape[0] > 0: ret += "; %d linear inequality constraints" % (self._A.shape[0], ) if self._A_eq.shape[0] > 0: ret += "; %d linear equality constraints" % (self._A_eq.shape[0], ) ret +=">" return ret ################################################################################ # Initialization helpers ################################################################################ def _init_dim(self, lb = None, ub = None, A = None, A_eq = None, Ls = None): """determine the dimension of the space we are working on""" if lb is not None: if isinstance(lb, (int, float)): m = 1 else: m = len(lb) elif ub is not None: if isinstance(ub, (int, float)): m = 1 else: m = len(ub) elif A is not None: m = len(A[0]) elif A_eq is not None: m = len(A_eq[0]) elif Ls is not None: m = len(Ls[0][0]) else: raise Exception("Could not determine dimension of space") self._dimension = m def _init_lb(self, lb): if lb is None: return -np.inf*np.ones(len(self)) else: if isinstance(lb, (int, float)): lb = [lb] assert len(lb) == len(self), "Lower bound has wrong dimensions" return np.array(lb) def _init_ub(self, ub): if ub is None: return np.inf*np.ones(len(self)) else: if isinstance(ub, (int, float)): ub = [ub] assert len(ub) == len(self), "Upper bound has wrong dimensions" return np.array(ub) def _init_ineq(self, A, b): if A is None and b is None: A = np.zeros((0,len(self))) b = np.zeros((0,)) elif A is not None and b is not None: A = np.array(A) b = np.array(b) if len(b.shape) == 0: b = b.reshape(1) assert len(b.shape) == 1, "b must have only one dimension" if len(A.shape) == 1 and len(b) == 1: A = A.reshape(1,-1) assert A.shape[1] == len(self), "A has wrong number of columns" assert A.shape[0] == b.shape[0], "The number of rows of A and b do not match" else: raise AssertionError("If using inequality constraints, both A and b must be specified") return A, b def _init_eq(self, A_eq, b_eq): if A_eq is None and b_eq is None: A_eq = np.zeros((0,len(self))) b_eq = np.zeros((0,)) elif A_eq is not None and b_eq is not None: A_eq = np.array(A_eq) b_eq = np.array(b_eq) if len(b_eq.shape) == 0: b_eq = b_eq.reshape(1) assert len(b_eq.shape) == 1, "b_eq must have only one dimension" if len(A_eq.shape) == 1 and len(b_eq) == 1: A_eq = A_eq.reshape(1,-1) assert A_eq.shape[1] == len(self), "A_eq has wrong number of columns" assert A_eq.shape[0] == b_eq.shape[0], "The number of rows of A_eq and b_eq do not match" else: raise AssertionError("If using equality constraints, both A_eq and b_eq must be specified") return A_eq, b_eq def _init_quad(self, Ls, ys, rhos): if Ls is None and ys is None and rhos is None: _Ls = [] _ys = [] _rhos = [] elif Ls is not None and ys is not None and rhos is not None: assert len(Ls) == len(ys) == len(rhos), "Length of all quadratic constraints must be the same" _Ls = [] _ys = [] _rhos = [] for L, y, rho in zip(Ls, ys, rhos): assert len(L[0]) == len(self), "dimension of L doesn't match the domain" assert len(y) == len(self), "Dimension of center doesn't match the domain" assert rho > 0, "Radius must be positive" _Ls.append(np.array(L)) _ys.append(np.array(y)) _rhos.append(rho) # TODO: If constraint is rank-1, should we implicitly convert to a linear inequality constriant else: raise AssertionError("If providing quadratic constraint, each of Ls, ys, and rhos must be defined") return _Ls, _ys, _rhos ################################################################################ # Simple properties ################################################################################ def __len__(self): return self._dimension @property def lb(self): return self._lb @property def ub(self): return self._ub @property def A(self): return self._A @property def b(self): return self._b @property def A_eq(self): return self._A_eq @property def b_eq(self): return self._b_eq @property def Ls(self): return self._Ls @property def ys(self): return self._ys @property def rhos(self): return self._rhos ################################################################################ # Normalization ################################################################################ def _normalized_domain(self, **kwargs): names_norm = [name + ' (normalized)' for name in self.names] return LinQuadDomain(lb = self.lb_norm, ub = self.ub_norm, A = self.A_norm, b = self.b_norm, A_eq = self.A_eq_norm, b_eq = self.b_eq_norm, Ls = self.Ls_norm, ys = self.ys_norm, rhos = self.rhos_norm, names = names_norm, **merge(self.kwargs, kwargs)) def _isinside(self, X, tol = TOL): return self._isinside_bounds(X, tol = tol) & self._isinside_ineq(X, tol = tol) & self._isinside_eq(X, tol = tol) & self._isinside_quad(X, tol = tol) def _extent(self, x, p): # Check that direction satisfies equality constraints to a tolerance if self.A_eq.shape[0] == 0 or np.all(np.abs( ) < self.tol): return min(self._extent_bounds(x, p), self._extent_ineq(x, p), self._extent_quad(x, p)) else: return 0. ################################################################################ # Convex Solver Functions ################################################################################ def _build_constraints_norm(self, x_norm): r""" Build the constraints corresponding to the domain given a vector x """ constraints = [] # Numerical issues emerge with unbounded constraints I = np.isfinite(self.lb_norm) if np.sum(I) > 0: constraints.append( self.lb_norm[I] <= x_norm[I]) I = np.isfinite(self.ub_norm) if np.sum(I) > 0: constraints.append( x_norm[I] <= self.ub_norm[I]) if self.A.shape[0] > 0: constraints.append( x_norm.__rmatmul__(self.A_norm) <= self.b_norm) if self.A_eq.shape[0] > 0: constraints.append( x_norm.__rmatmul__(self.A_eq_norm) == self.b_eq_norm) for L, y, rho in zip(self.Ls_norm, self.ys_norm, self.rhos_norm): if len(L) > 1: constraints.append( cp.norm( L @ x_norm - L @ y) <= rho ) elif len(L) == 1: constraints.append( cp.norm(L @ x_norm - L @ y) <= rho) return constraints def _build_constraints(self, x): r""" Build the constraints corresponding to the domain given a vector x """ constraints = [] # Numerical issues emerge with unbounded constraints I = np.isfinite( if np.sum(I) > 0: constraints.append([I] <= x[I]) I = np.isfinite(self.ub) if np.sum(I) > 0: constraints.append( x[I] <= self.ub[I]) if self.A.shape[0] > 0: constraints.append( x.__rmatmul__(self.A) <= self.b) if self.A_eq.shape[0] > 0: constraints.append( x.__rmatmul__(self.A_eq) == self.b_eq) for L, y, rho in zip(self.Ls, self.ys, self.rhos): if len(L) > 1: constraints.append( cp.norm(L @ x - <= rho ) elif len(L) == 1: constraints.append( cp.norm(L @ x - <= rho) return constraints ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ def add_constraints(self, A = None, b = None, lb = None, ub = None, A_eq = None, b_eq = None, Ls = None, ys = None, rhos = None): r"""Add new constraints to the domain """ lb = self._init_lb(lb) ub = self._init_ub(ub) A, b = self._init_ineq(A, b) A_eq, b_eq = self._init_eq(A_eq, b_eq) Ls, ys, rhos = self._init_quad(Ls, ys, rhos) # Update constraints lb = np.maximum(lb, ub = np.minimum(ub, self.ub) A = np.vstack([self.A, A]) b = np.hstack([self.b, b]) A_eq = np.vstack([self.A_eq, A_eq]) b_eq = np.hstack([self.b_eq, b_eq]) Ls = self.Ls + Ls ys = self.ys + ys rhos = self.rhos + rhos if len(Ls) > 0: return LinQuadDomain(lb = lb, ub = ub, A = A, b = b, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, Ls = Ls, ys = ys, rhos = rhos, names = self.names) elif len(b) > 0 or len(b_eq) > 0: from .linineq import LinIneqDomain return LinIneqDomain(lb = lb, ub = ub, A = A, b = b, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, names = self.names) else: from .box import BoxDomain return BoxDomain(lb = lb, ub = ub, names = self.names) def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LinQuadDomain) or (isinstance(other, TensorProductDomain) and other.is_linquad_domain): return self.add_constraints(lb =, ub = other.ub, A = other.A, b = other.b, A_eq = other.A_eq, b_eq = other.b_eq, Ls = other.Ls, ys = other.ys, rhos = other.rhos) else: raise NotImplementedError def __rand__(self, other): return self.__and__(other)