Source code for

from copy import deepcopy

TOL = 1e-5

	'solver': 'CVXOPT',
	'reltol': 5e-10,
	'abstol' : 5e-10,
	'verbose': False,
	'kktsolver': 'robust', 
	'warm_start': True,

[docs]class Domain(object): r""" Abstract base class for arbitary domain shapes """ def copy(self): return deepcopy(self) ################################################################################ # Note that the following properities of the domain really should be determined # by the class name, except for the one annoying exception: the TensorProductDomain # which is a child of Domain. These functions are here to provide access to this # information independent of the domain name. ################################################################################ @property def is_linquad_domain(self): r""" Returns true if the domain is purely specified by linear equality/inequality and convex quadratic constraints """ return self._is_linquad_domain() # By default, we assume the domain is not in this class unless the child class explicitly corrects this def _is_linquad_domain(self): return False @property def is_linineq_domain(self): r""" Returns True if the domain is specified by linear equality/inqueality constraints """ return self._is_linineq_domain() def _is_linineq_domain(self): return False @property def is_box_domain(self): r""" Returns True if the domain is specified only by bound constraints on each variable """ return self._is_box_domain() def _is_box_domain(self): return False